
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Are Steam Cleaners Products Really The Best Way To Clean After Pets?

Steam Cleaners Products To Clean After Pets
Steam cleaners products are known to make an easy job of tackling some of the most difficult cleaning tasks. For instance, cleaning black mold out of grout is not only time consuming, the scraping and chemicals do not always remove the mold completely. Steam cleaners products effectively root out black mold and other stains from tiles and grout in a way that is both fast and effective. The good news is that they can also be used to clean up after your pets. However, it is important to know how to use these units when dealing with certain pet messes.

Daimer® offers a number of steams cleaner ideal for cleaning pet bedding. These areas pick up a lot of dander as well as other kinds of germs that can be spread around. Using a steam cleaning unit on pet bedding regularly will drastically cut down the risk of your pet contracting skin infections or diseases. Best of all, no harsh chemicals are used so there is no chance of detergent irritants affecting your pet. They can also effectively clean hardwood and tile floors when animals urinate or defecate on them. Steam cleaners products not only clean effectively, machines with ATIS™ technology from Daimer®, such as the KleenJet™ 500VP, work to eliminate more than 99 percent of commonly found germs and bacteria on the surface. They also include HEPA filtration systems for helping trap dust and allergens in the air.

Steam cleaners products can also be used to spot clean certain carpets as well. However, it is important to make sure that the carpet material can withstand the high temperatures of steam. Some natural fibers may shrink while some synthetics may melt. It is also important to note that some pet messes may in fact bind deeper into the material under high heat. For full cleaning of carpets, always use carpet cleaners. More information can be found at
Friday, May 13, 2011

Steam Cleaners Products Make Tile and Grout Cleaning a Breeze

Steam Cleaners Products for Tile and Grout
Steam cleaners products can get tile and grout clean in a fast and effective manner. This is often one of the biggest and most difficult tasks in areas like commercial kitchens, hospitals, and hotel bathrooms. Tile tends to pick up different kinds of dirt and sediment, ranging from grease and oil spatter to mineral and salt build-up. Grout can also pick up a lot of dirt and debris. Unlike the tile, grout tends to soak in sediments, making it harder to clean. Removing black mold is not only a common grout problem, it can be also dangerous if it is not removed completely. Steam cleaners products are ideal for cleaning tile and grout in a way that is safe, fast, and very effective.

Steam cleaners products from Daimer® are ideally suited to tile and grout cleaning. Such machines as the KleenJet® 500VP are effective in cleaning grout and tile, as it does not involve any manual scraping or scrubbing. Dirt, molds, and debris are removed with steam, which works to dissolve the sediments. Using steam cleaning units with vacuum capabilities work to quickly extract dirt and stains that have been removed from the grout. This prevents it from settling back into the soft, porous material. This often happens with conventional cleaning methods if the dirt and residue is not removed quickly.

Steam cleaners products also work effectively without relying on any harsh or toxic chemical cleaning agents. This is an important advantage, particularly when it comes to cleaning kitchen areas, where food can be contaminated by chemical traces. More information can be found on these and other steam cleaners products at
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Using Steam Cleaners Products to Keep Your Kitchen Germ Free

Steam Cleaners Products to Keep Your Kitchen Germ Free
Steam cleaners products are great for keeping your kitchen clean and sparkling. An active residential or commercial kitchen needs to maintain hygienic conditions of a high order to prevent growth of bacteria and germs. Keeping a kitchen clean, especially when it remains operative for most of the day, can be a challenging task. Steam cleaning machines stand up to the challenge.

It is important to use steam cleaners products from quality manufacturers to enjoy the whole range of benefits. Daimer® is a leader in retailing high-quality steam cleaning machines. The KleenJet® series from Daimer® uses dry vapor with 5 percent water content that heats up to 386°F. The heat breaks down food deposits from stove tops, countertops, and sinks so that they can be removed easily. In addition, the special HEPA filters that come with these machines help in removing microorganisms and bacteria, leaving the surfaces completely clean and sterile.

Critical areas of the kitchen, such as ovens, refrigerators, grills, freezers, waste bins, dumpsters, and exhaust fans, require comprehensive cleaning. Such surfaces can be breeding grounds for harmful bacteria and fungi. Steam cleaners use their powerful cleaning mechanisms to keep commercial as well as residential kitchens clean and sparkling.

Some Daimer® steam cleaners products include their ATIS® antibacterial technology. It helps in eliminating more than 99 percent germs and bacteria. Attached vacuums with these machines help in cleaning up the residual mess left behind after cleaning.

For more detailed information about the best steam cleaners products, visit