Steam cleaners products are essential for the cleaning department in commercial institutions, such as hospitals, hotels, restaurants, and retail outlets. These products are eco-friendly cleaning machines capable of eliminating tough dirt and stains from a number of surfaces.
How They Work
Steam cleaners products eject dry steam to eliminate dirt and other impurities present on the surface. On systems that include anti-bacterial technology, as in Daimer®'s ATIS® models, bacteria and microorganisms are also eliminated. Dry steam is vapor with less than 5 percent water content and is generated when water heats to a temperature of up to 360°F.
The high temperature output melts impurities such as stains, dirt, and other residues present on the surface. The latest models are equipped with a vacuum. Such models can extract the molten dirt residues while cleaning. Otherwise, one will have to remove the residues either with the help of a separate vacuum or with a brush and cloth.
For commercial cleaning applications, commercial steam cleaner products with an attached vacuum are preferred.
Continuous Water Fill
Some of the latest models of steam cleaning machines boast continuous refilling technology. With this technology, the user does not need to stop the machine to refill its tank. The operator simply adds water to a non-pressurized refill chamber while cleaning. The machine draws water from the refill chamber into the boiler tank, mixing it with the super-heated water, as needed. As such, the user can continue working throughout the day without turning the machine off to refill.
Daimer®, a popular brand among the suppliers of cleaning machines, provides high quality steam cleaners products boasting all of the above technologies and more. For more information about its these and other cleaning machines, visit www.daimer.com.
How They Work
Steam cleaners products eject dry steam to eliminate dirt and other impurities present on the surface. On systems that include anti-bacterial technology, as in Daimer®'s ATIS® models, bacteria and microorganisms are also eliminated. Dry steam is vapor with less than 5 percent water content and is generated when water heats to a temperature of up to 360°F.
The high temperature output melts impurities such as stains, dirt, and other residues present on the surface. The latest models are equipped with a vacuum. Such models can extract the molten dirt residues while cleaning. Otherwise, one will have to remove the residues either with the help of a separate vacuum or with a brush and cloth.
For commercial cleaning applications, commercial steam cleaner products with an attached vacuum are preferred.
Continuous Water Fill
Some of the latest models of steam cleaning machines boast continuous refilling technology. With this technology, the user does not need to stop the machine to refill its tank. The operator simply adds water to a non-pressurized refill chamber while cleaning. The machine draws water from the refill chamber into the boiler tank, mixing it with the super-heated water, as needed. As such, the user can continue working throughout the day without turning the machine off to refill.
Daimer®, a popular brand among the suppliers of cleaning machines, provides high quality steam cleaners products boasting all of the above technologies and more. For more information about its these and other cleaning machines, visit www.daimer.com.